Train the body and the mind to let go.

Yin Yoga

Muscle tissue is Yang, connective tissue is Yin. We need the balance of the two (active and passive). Yin Yoga allows the practitioner to passively surrender to the poses, which are held for an extended amount of time—up to 5-7 minutes. The extended hold allows a deep release in the fascia and connective tissues, and it also becomes a meditative practice in the process. Practitioners learn to release the “issues in the tissues”—both physically and emotionally. This is a ground-centered contemplative practice which trains the body and mind to let go. Yin mainly works the lower part of the body, rich in connective tissue, and will incorporate aspects of trauma-informed classes.

This practice can be offered in group or individual settings and is appropriate for most levels of practitioner.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.