Small, intimate, person-centered classes.

What Sets Yoga at Sea Level Apart?

The classes offered at Sea Level are created with intention to be small, intimate, and person-centered. Our classes are designed for reconnection and stillness and are geared toward those who may often not engage in self-care: cue helping professionals, caretakers, first responders, therapists, teachers, the list goes on. The trauma-informed lens is suggestive rather than directive and is mindful of the guided postures and spatial relation of the instructor.

The 1:1 sessions are offered to active Sea Level clients and are individualized to focus on the identified treatment-areas. Our instructor will create a unique blend of yoga offerings that will allow the participant to feel connected and grounded.


Meet Our Yoga Teacher, Annie VanHook

Learn More About Our Yoga Offerings: Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Trauma-Informed Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Slow Flow, Chair Yoga

Yoga FAQ

How do I get started? On the Sea Level website, you will register for either a class (open to everyone) or a 1:1 instruction (for current Sea Level clients only) via a Calendly link. This can be found under “services” or “team” (after scrolling down to Clinical Partners and finding Annie’s name).

How and when should I pay? Your payment will be accepted at the time of registration. No payments will be accepted at the door, for the convenience and respect of all participants. We are unable to offer any refunds for canceled or missed classes.

How early should I arrive? We suggest arriving 15 minutes before class/session to gather props and settle onto your mat. It’s a great way to downward regulate your nervous system to just lie or sit quietly on your mat until class/session begins.

What if I arrive late? Class starts promptly at the designated time, and the door will be locked. We will be sorry to have missed you but will welcome you next time!

What should I wear? Yoga is traditionally practiced in comfortable exercise clothing. Make sure you can stretch and bed in whatever you wear; please refrain from wearing shoes.

What should I bring? Sea Level will supply props needed for class, but you are certainly welcome to bring your own props. Bring your willingness to explore and look deeper into your Self.

What can I expect? First, acceptance. Come as you are. You will be treated with respect and friendliness; you will never be forced to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. Suggestions will be given throughout, and you have the freedom to go with the suggestion or just lie on your mat.

This is a safe environment for you to relax and explore your yoga practice. You can always expect this!

Class Rules

  • Arrive on time. We encourage you to arrive with enough time to check in, choose your spot, and prepare for class. Class starts promptly and in an effort to minimize distractions, the door will be locked and no late arrivals will be let in. The locked door also establishes safety for persons and their belongings inside.

  • Remove your shoes. By removing your shoes, you’re not only helping with studio cleanliness, but you’re respecting a space that’s revered and cherished by others.

  • Tell your instructor about any injuries

  • Mind your personal hygiene

  • No perfumes or strong smelling lotions/oils: as a trauma-informed practice, we are mindful of others' sensory connections

  • Devices off and put away (please silence smart watches)

  • No food or drink containers in the practice area

  • Minimize conversation during instruction: if the studio is quiet and meditative, keep it that way by refraining from chitchat. It’s not only polite, but it’s beneficial to your own state of mind.

  • If you must leave early, do so before savasana

  • Wipe down and put away props as you found them.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.