Rebecca Louth, MAEd, BCIA

I truly believe I have the best “job” in the world, as I value the opportunity to work with clients ranging from 5 years old to well into their 80’s for reasons varying from lack of focus, to anxiety, to depression. While neurofeedback has been around for years, it isn’t necessarily very well known, so it is essential to me that I take the time to explain it before beginning the training process; with my background in education, the teacher in me comes alive. Simply put, neurofeedback is focusing on the organ of the brain. It’s like going to the gym for your brain. This training has nothing to do with your mind. It’s the difference between the heart, the organ of the heart vs. the heart of emotion and love. You are simply going to the “gym” to train your brain to be stronger, more efficient, therefore, more effective. I believe neurofeedback needs to happen “with” the client rather than “to’ the client. This partnership is the most critical piece of the process; the client learns how they feel as a result of how the brain responds to the training.

Career Highlights:
○ Board-Certified Neurofeedback-Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, 2020
○ Opened WavesMatter, LLC, 2017
○ Advanced Training in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, 2010
○ EEG Education and Research, EEG Spectrum training in the clinical setting, 2017
○ Othmer Method Neurofeedback basic training, 2017
○ BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge didactic training, 2019

Neurofeedback FAQs

For all scheduling and questions, contact WavesMatter, LLC directly. *Currently, Rebecca Louth has a waiting list, but please feel free to email or call and set up a consultation